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Female Health Specialist

John Paul Cardin Jr, MD

Family Medicine & Primary Care Physicians located in Long Beach, CA

Staying on top of your wellness checkups is the key to treating obstetrics and gynecological issues early on before serious problems arise. At his self-titled practice in Long Beach, California, primary care physician John Paul Cardin Jr., MD, provides women’s health checkups to diagnose and treat common female health problems. Call to schedule your next women’s wellness visit today or book an appointment online.

Female Health Q & A

What is female health?

Women’s health involves a unique set of health issues in women or health problems more common in women than men. This may include:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Menstrual abnormalities
  • Menopause
  • Breast, cervical, and ovarian cancers
  • Breast, ovarian, vaginal, and uterine health conditions
  • Decreases in bone density and osteoporosis
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Urinary tract infections

Other female health issues that are often more serious in women than men include heart attacks (more women die after heart attacks than men) and sexually transmitted infections.

Which women’s health screenings will I need?

Dr. Cardin is upfront and honest about which women’s health screenings you’ll need to feel and look your best. These tests are extremely effective when it comes to detecting issues before serious problems arise. Depending on your medical history, symptoms, risk factors, and lifestyle, he may recommend:

  • A pap test to screen for cervical cancer
  • Mammograms to screen for breast cancer
  • Cholesterol screenings
  • Blood pressure screenings
  • Bone density scans
  • Lab tests to check thyroid and other hormone levels
  • Labs tests to check for nutritional deficiencies
  • Blood glucose tests to screen for diabetes
  • Asthma or allergy tests
  • Sexually transmitted infection screenings

When caught in its early stage, cervical cancer is highly treatable. If Dr. Cardin detects a health problem that requires another specialist’s care, he or his staff refer you to the appropriate medical professional.

What should I expect during a women’s health exam?

When you arrive at Dr. Cardin’s office for a women’s health checkup he goes over your medical history, including current symptoms you may be having. He or a staff member checks your weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar if necessary.

Dr. Cardin completes a physical screening, which may include a pelvic exam and pap test. This initial exam can reveal early signs of cervical cancer and other gynecological conditions, such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginosis, and sexually transmitted infections. He may order lab or imaging tests as needed.

Regular women’s health exams catch disease symptoms early on before serious problems arise, helping you achieve and maintain optimal health. Call to schedule your next annual women’s health exam today or book an appointment online.